Spaghetti with clams

Rub - First courses

Pasta with clams: the queen of refined first courses. A good and tasty recipe like in a restaurant, but simple to prepare at home, to surprise guests with a gourmet dish.

Fresh clams
Extra virgin olive oil
Chopped parsley


Lavare le vongole sotto acqua corrente e lasciarle sgocciolare. In una padella capiente, scaldare l’olio a fuoco medio e aggiungere le vongole. Cospargere con il Rub SPG e mescolare. Cuocere le vongole fino a completa apertura.

Separately, cook the spaghetti al dente. Drain the pasta, add it to the pan with the clams and mix the pasta and sauce.


Serve the pasta with chopped fresh parsley. Accompany with dry white wine.

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