Gluten-free mussels au gratin

Breadings - Delicacies - Fish main courses

A tasty seafood appetizer, unexpectedly easy to prepare at home: the creaminess of the mussels combines with the crunchiness of the gratin, for a light and gourmet dish, also suitable for guests who follow a gluten-free diet.

Fresh mussels
Extra virgin olive oil
Chopped parsley


Preriscaldare il forno a 200°.

Pulire accuratamente le cozze, rimuovendo le barbe e le impurità e sciacquare bene sotto l’acqua corrente.
Mettere in padella le cozze con olio e aromi a piacere …cuocere finché non sì aprono (con coperchio).
Remove the upper part of the shell, leaving only the mollusk in the lower shell.
Con la Panatura Milanese e un po’ di liquido delle cozze, creare un gratin.
Stuff the mussels one by one and place them on a baking tray.
Bake for 10 minutes, or until golden brown.
Garnish with chopped parsley.


Serve the mussels piping hot, to appreciate the crunchiness of the breading.

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