Salmone in crosta di patate

Salmon in potato crust

Rub - Fish main courses

Salmon in a potato crust is a light and refined second course, but also very simple to prepare. With just a few ingredients we will bring a tasty dish to the table.

1 steak of salmon
3g of Rub Chicken
3g of GSP Rub
2 potatoes
1 carrot
1 courgette
1 pepper
1 red onion


Marinate the salmon with the GSP Rub And Rub Chicken.
Peel and slice the potatoes finely (with a mandolin or potato peeler) and season them with the GSP Rub. Next we place a layer of potatoes on top of the salmon.


Cuocere in forno per 15 minuti a 180°C

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