Pan-fried thighs

Sauces - Rubs - Marinades - Meat main courses

When an everyday dish turns into a chef's dish. A simple recipe full of flavour, to delight guests lightly.

Chicken thighs
Olive oil
White wine
to taste Rub Chicken
to taste Garden sauce


Spread there Marinatura Rosemary on theLto overcookedia in way to cover itto entirely, then deposit The Rub Chicken and massage.
-In una padella antiaderente, scaldare l’olio a fuoco medio alto.
-Place l. in the pan
to overcookedia of chicken and brown.
-Add a splash of white wine and leave to cook until completely golden, stirring occasionally.


Enjoy them with there Salsa dell’orto for a match with a slightly spicy flavor and vegetal notes, or with una salsa della Linea Gusto al Volo che più vi piace.

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