Salmon, courgettes and potatoes au gratin

Sauces - Breadings - Fish main courses

Here is a super quick and crunchy, easy and super delicious recipe.

By @saporidiarianna

250 g fresh salmon
2 courgettes
250 g potatoes
1 pinch of salt
olive oil to taste


-To prepare baked salmon, courgettes and potatoes au gratin, you will only need a few simple steps.
-Cut the potatoes into pieces of about 2 cm, place them in a bowl, cover with a plate and pre-cook in the microwave for 3 minutes at maximum power (or blanch for 5 minutes).
-Tagliate anche le zucchine, un po’ più grandi delle patate e il salmone a tocchetti.
-Place all the ingredients in a bowl, add a drizzle of oil, a pinch of salt and mix.
-At this point add the Classic breading pronta all’uso di Gusto al volo.
-Mix and transfer everything onto a baking tray lined with baking paper.
-Ancora un filo di olio in superficie e via in forno a 180° C per 30 minuti circa, fino a gratinatura.


Serve with salsa dell’orto.

Enjoy your meal!

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