Costine di maiale alla Salsa Barbecue al Miele

Pork ribs with honey barbecue sauce

Sauces - Rub - Meat main courses

A tasty second course for a simple but tasty dinner.

Rack of pork ribs
Olive oil
White wine
to taste Pork Rub
to taste Mustard sauce


-Preriscaldare il forno a 180°C.
-Massage the pork ribs with the Mustard sauce and then season with the Pork Rub to form a uniform coverage.
-Disporre le costine sulla teglia da forno, infornare le ribs e cuocere per circa un’ora.
-During cooking, brush the ribs with the sauce released by the meat and remove once a nice crust has formed on the meat.


Accompany with a Gusto al Volo sauce of your choice, we recommend trying them with Honey Barbecue!

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