Pulled pork

Salse - Rub - Sfiziosità

How to prepare homemade pulled pork, without a barbecue, but cooked in the oven and with an easy and at the same time super tasty recipe!

By @lavongolaverace


500g pork neck (or shoulder)
to taste Pork Rub
4 Gusto al Volo sandwiches
Salad to taste
2 cherry tomatoes


– Condire il capocollo e condirlo con il RUB for pork.
-Cover with cling film and leave to rest in the fridge for 12 hours.
-Remove the film and cook in the oven at 200 degrees for 20 minutes. Then wrap the meat in baking paper and aluminum foil and continue cooking for another 3 hours at 150 degrees.
-Terminata la cottura lasciar riposare un po’ la carne prima di sfilacciarla e condirla con il sughetto di cottura.
-Tostare i panini in padella o in forno. -A questo punto siamo pronti per farcire i panini con un po’ di salsa BBQ al miele, insalata, pomodoro a fette, pulled pork e ancora BBQ sauce



Enjoy your meal!

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