Agnello al Forno con Peperoni

Baked Lamb with Peppers

Rub - Marinades - Meat main courses

A recipe that combines vegetables and meat, to be served as a rich and tasty second course.

Spring onion
Red and yellow pepper
White wine
Extra virgin olive oil
Sprig of thyme
Sage leaf
to taste Rub Chicken


-Place the lamb cuts in a large bowl and massage with marination Pepperonto and white wine.
-Aggiungere timo e rosmarino, quindi lasciare marinare per un’ora.
-Preriscaldare il forno a 195° e ungere la
teglia con l’olio.
the peppers diced and the spring onion into slices.
Adagiare all’interno della teglia i contorni e l’agnello con la sua marinatura.
-Cuocere a 195° per un’ora e mezza.


We recommend seasoning with a spoonful of Rub Chicken

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