Chicken nuggets, pumpkin and baked potatoes

Rub - Second courses of meat

Un secondo gustoso, sfizioso, perfetto per una cena al volo o per un’occasione speciale.

By @flavordiarianna

1 whole chicken breast
400 g Pumpkin
400 g potatoes
olive oil to taste


-Peel, clean the pumpkin from filaments and cut into cubes of approximately 2 cm;
– procedere allo stesso modo con le patate;
-take a whole chicken breast, divide in the center and remove the bones and cartilage;
-cut the chicken breast into cubes the same size as the potatoes and pumpkin;
-put everything in a large bowl, drizzle with oil and mix;
– aggiungere il mix di spezie Rub +Gusto, mix;
-Trasferire tutto su una teglia foderata di carta forno e cuocere a 220°C per 40 minuti;
-The chicken, pumpkin and potato pieces will be ready when they have reached golden brown.


Given that Rub + Taste contiene sale di Volterra, non aggiungere troppo sale. Buon appetito!

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