Strudel di verdure

Vegetable Strudel

Rub - Sfiziosità - Vegetariani

Vegetable strudel is a simple preparation, which requires little time but allows you to obtain maximum flavour. With just a few ingredients and simplicity you will obtain an excellent savory strudel, capable of surprising all your guests.

Ingredients for 6 servings:
1 carrot
½ cipolla rossa
1 yellow pepper
1 aubergine (peeling is recommended)
1 courgette
200g smoked scamorza
20g of Rub + TASTE
1 roll of rectangular puff pastry
Oil to taste
1 egg


Mondare e tagliare a tocchetti le verdure; metterle in una padella con un po’ di olio e farle tostare. Insaporire con il Rub +Gusto and leave to cool; add the diced scamorza, fill the puff pastry roll and close like a strudel.


Infine, spennellare la superficie con l’uovo e cuocere in forno per 25 minuti a 170/175°C

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