Strips of meat with confit red and yellow cherry tomatoes, Taggiasca olives and rocket

Marinades - Meat main courses

Ecco un piatto perfetto per ogni stagione dell’anno, facile e gustosa che vi conquisterà al primo assaggio!

By @ilmiopiattoacolori

300 g Meat strips Pepperona marinade
200 g red and yellow cherry tomatoes
100 g rocket
2 tablespoons of Taggiasca olives
to taste extra virgin olive oil
salt to taste
brown sugar and oregano to taste


-Tagliare i pomodorini a metà, disporli su carta forno e aggiungere un filo di olio, un pizzico di sale, l’origano e una spolverata di zucchero di canna e infornare a 200 gradi per 10-15 minuti in forno ventilato o in friggitrice ad aria finché si saranno caramellati.
-In a bowl, add the strips of meat and marinate them with plenty of Pepperona Marinade, mix well so that all the seasoning adheres to the meat and let them rest for 15-20 minutes with the marinade, then cook them with very little oil or without oil in a very hot pan .
-Transfer the strips into a bowl with all their sauce, add the rocket, the Taggiasca olives and the previously prepared confit tomatoes, mix delicately, add salt only if necessary. and they are ready to taste!



Serve with a side dish, we recommend a nice salad.
Enjoy your meal!

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