Beef saltimbocca

Rub - Second courses of meat

Guests for dinner? Beef rolls. An elegant and tasty recipe, which combines tradition and flavour: the delicacy of the beef slices, the richness of the ham and the aroma of sage.

Thin slices of beef
Sliced raw ham
Cheese like mozzarella or provolone
Sage leaves
White wine
Olive oil


Cut the cheese into thin slices. Prepare the slices, flavoring with the Beef Rub. On each slice, place raw ham, a slice of cheese and a sage leaf. Roll up and secure with a toothpick.

Scaldare una padella antiaderente con l’olio, adagiare gli involtini e sfumare con il vino bianco. Cuocere fino a completa doratura.


Irrorare gli involtini con il sugo di cottura e servire con contorno di purè di patate.

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