Scegliere ingredienti di qualità, preparare le materie prime alla cottura, cucinarle secondo i giusti tempi e giusti metodi. Utilizzando i prodotti migliori per esaltare ogni pietanza e portare in tavola piatti da chef.

How you do it? With our recipes. And Gusto al Volo, of course.

Lollipop di pollo
Chicken Rub - Mediterranean Breading

Here is a recipe capable of surprising family and friends, simple and tasty.  

Pesce spada impanato
Milanese breading

A tasty second course, loved by all and extremely quick and simple to make By @saporediarianna  

Bocconcini di pollo cotti al forno con patate
Mediterranean Breading - Mustard Sauce

Here is a super crunchy, easy and delicious recipe. By @lavongolaverace

Salmone, zucchine e patate gratinate
Vegetable Sauce - Classic Breading

Here is a super quick and crunchy, easy and super delicious recipe. By @saporidiarianna

Cotoletta impanata alla pizza
Milanese breading

An original second course, super fast, crunchy and stringy, also suitable for celiac guests. By @saporediarianna

Stick di verdure cotti in friggitrice ad aria
Classic breading - Caesar sauce

Healthy, quick and very easy to prepare! The secret to obtaining a super crunchy effect? The Gusto al Volo Classic Breading: a gluten-free and allergen-free breading, also perfect for your celiac friends! By @lavongolaverace

Calamari panati con patate e pomodorini
Mediterranean breading

Are you looking for a second course that is simple to prepare and super tasty? Then you're in the right place! By @ilmiopiattoacolori

Fish and Chips croccante
Milanese Breading - Mayonnaise Sauce Traditional Recipe

A traditional dish with simple and quick preparation.

Milanese ad orecchia d’elefante
Milanese Breading - Mayonnaise Sauce Traditional Recipe

A succulent cutlet, with a crunchy coating, also for celiac guests? You can, with our recipe, but - above all - with Gusto al Volo gluten free breadings

Gamberi croccanti
Classic breading

A crunchy coating on the outside, a tender heart on the inside. And a flavor that will win over your guests. A truly irresistible finger food appetizer: simple preparation and gourmet result.

Contorno panato di funghi
Classic breading

An explosion of flavor and crunchiness: A rich side dish also suitable for celiac guests. A comfort food to share, perfect for the autumn season.

Bombette pugliesi
Mediterranean breading

A traditional Apulian second course, in a gluten free version, to also delight celiac guests. The succulent Apulian rolls with a stringy filling are an explosive dish.

Tagliata di vitello
Milanese breading

A succulent cutlet, with a crunchy coating, also for celiac guests? You can, with our recipe, but - above all - with Gusto al Volo gluten free breadings.

Cozze gratinate senza glutine
Milanese breading

A tasty seafood appetizer, unexpectedly easy to prepare at home: the creaminess of the mussels combines with the crunchiness of the gratin, for a light and gourmet dish, also suitable for guests who follow a gluten-free diet.